Starting off with Adrenal Cocktails
If you are pregnant, postpartum or mothering little ones, odds are you could benefit from some adrenal support!
Adrenal cocktails are a perfect combination of whole food vitamin c, potassium and high quality, mineral rich sodium. These nutrients are crucial for our adrenals to function properly. Support for the adrenals is especially important in times of stress. It is, unfortunately, more common than most realize to be living in stress and not notice until the body starts communicating through symptoms including, but not limited to weight gain, headaches after physical activity, dizziness, fatigue, anxiety, hair loss, etc. These are symptoms that so many people experience and consider a normal part of what it is to live in their body in their current season—this is not normal and doesn’t have to be the case!
Potassium and sodium play an integral part in adrenal function and stress management. The two work together in a beautiful balance which is why it is important to consume them together in a drink like this when you are replenishing your body in the perinatal period. Exact measurements are not always necessary, but here are a list of the ideal proportions for a homemade adrenal cocktail:
375mg of potassium
460mg of sodium
60mg minimum of whole food vitamin C (more allows for added benefits depending on your current life season or health goals—ie pregnancy, postpartum, breastfeeding, motherhood.)
Generally speaking, when I make a homemade adrenal cocktail I combine approximately 8oz of coconut water, 5oz of orange juice, 1/4 tsp of sea salt and a splash of raw cream for blood sugar balancing.
There are also a whole host of adrenal cocktail powders on the market, but I would not recommend many of them…
Here is my favorite adrenal cocktail powder option. The code KALEY10 will help you save! The ratios of the minerals in this option are great, and it contains the added benefits of magnesium—the benefits of magnesium are discussed later in this section.